The following are action research and papers presented at conferences concerned with improving the mathematical outcomes of Indigenous learners.
These include those managed by the AAMT Make it count project and Connect with Maths conference presentations.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mathematics Alliance Conference 2016
Invitation to the 2016 ATSIMA Conference
Value us. Value our education. Value our future
Sunday 30 October - Wednesday 3 November 2016
Sandon Point Tent Embassy and the University of Wollongong
Numeracy, Mathematics and Indigenous Learners
The Numeracy, Mathematics and Indigenous Learners conference provided a showcase for schools and an opportunity to discuss achievements, challenges and strategies forward:
On Days 1 and 2 of the conference, outstanding classroom practitioners who had been nominated by various systems from all states and territories in Australia showcased their current practice in 30 minute presentations – the Showcases of Practice. From the outset teachers were encouraged to co-present with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Educators
1(AEs) and researchers who might
be working with them. In many schools AEs play an important and significant role in the education of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and with the formation of relationships between teachers and families – two crucial aspects to improving teaching and learning outcomes.
The ongoing development of pedagogy is equally vital and that the rigour in doing this is well served with a collaboration between, and support from, experienced researchers. Hence, a number of academic researchers were also involved in presentations.
Following each Showcase, conferees were asked to distil what had been presented, with a view to identifying the critical messages, as well as the implications for policy and practice. Arising from this process of distillation, it was envisaged that a range of insights into current practices in mathematics teaching and learning for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learners would emerge. Issues could then be highlighted and suggestions for future action for improvement identified.
On Day 3 of the conference, participants took part in small group discussions on the six key themes in numeracy, mathematics and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learners that conferees identified from the Distillation of Practice. These were:
- Community and school engagement
- Professional learning and pre-service
- Research and evidence
- School organisation and school change
- Responsive mathematics pedagogy
- Curriculum and assessment.
Conference Summary_2.pdf 474.91 kB
Proceedings of the 28th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2004
Young "White Teachers" Perceptions of Mathematics Learning of Aboriginal and non-aboriginal Students in Remote Communities
Presentation by Tom J Cooper ( Queensland University of Technology), Annette R Baturo (Australian Catholic University) , Elizabeth Warren, Shani M Doig ( Queensland University of Technology)
Despite a plethora of writings on Australian Aboriginal education (Craven, 1998; Fanshawe, 1999; LeRoux & Dunn, 1997; Malcolm, 1998; Malin, 1998; Morgan & Slade, 1998; Partington, 1998; Russell, 1999; Stewart, 1999), little has dealt with teacher perceptions of how Indigenous students learning in comparison with non-Indigenous students. This is despite fairly wide acceptance that the way teachers perceive students will impact on the teaching, learning and assessment outcomes that students receive (Wyatt-Smith, 1995). The research reported in this paper was conducted in remote Aboriginal communities throughout Queensland. It addresses how “white” teachers, who are usually young and newly graduated, view the mathematics learning of Aboriginal student, and how these perceptions differ for white students.
RR173_Cooper.pdf 218.13 kB